Abstract: This paper presents a motion planning approach for cooperative transportation using aerial robots. We describe a framework based on Parametric Dynamic Movement Primitives (PDMPs) for coordinating multiple aerial robots and their manipulators quickly in an environment cluttered with obstacles. In order to emulate the optimal motion, we combine PDMPs and Rapidly Exploring Randomized Trees star (RRT) by using the results of RRT as demonstrations for PDMPs. For efficient description of the motions corresponding to the environment, we utilize Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) to acquire of the explicit relationship between environmental parameters and style parameters of PDMPs which decide the motions. Simulation and experiment results are attached to validate the proposed framework.

This paper has been selected as one of the finalists of Best Student Paper Award of ICRA 2017.


  title={Motion planning with movement primitives for cooperative aerial transportation in obstacle environment},
  author={Kim, Hyoin and Lee, Hyeonbeom and Choi, Seungwon and Noh, Yung-Kyun and Kim, H Jin},
  booktitle={2017 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA)},